Install Python Azure SDK on Intel Galileo

This  post walks you through the steps to install Python Azure SDK on Intel Galileo.



  • An Intel Galileo board (Gen 1 or 2)
  • The full Linux boot image
  • Internet connection (either using the built in Ethernet port or using a mini-PCIe WiFi board)
  • CURL with SSL/TLS support

Step 1 Get the big Linux image

You will need to boot in to the full Linux image, which you can download from Intel’s  download page.

Step 2 Boot into Linux

Extract the contents of that compressed file onto a SD card and boot the Galileo from it.

Step 3 Install prerequisites

SSH into your Galileo board as root (no password by default)

>ssh root@

Make sure the latest CURL and OpenSSL are installed

>opkg update
>opkg install openssl
>opkg install curl


The Linux image I was using at the time of this writing did not have any Root CA certificates installed. Sure, one could bypass certificate validation using Curl’s -k option, but that’s cheating.

First, create the default certificate directories:

>mkdir /etc/ssl
>mkdir /etc/ssl/certs

Download the latest CA certificates

cd /etc/ssl/certs
curl k -o ca-certificates.crt

(Yes yes, I know about -k, but this is a catch 22 moment, we need to get the certs down  from an SSL/TLS connection in the first place)

Step 4 Download and install PIP

Download and install the Python PIP

curl | python


 Step 5 Install the Python Azure SDK

pip install azure



 Step 6 Verify

Now we can verify that Python can access the Azure SDK

>>>import azure



There you have it. So, what cool things can we do with Microsoft Azure and an Intel Galileo? Let me know in the comments below.